Winterthur Library at the Winterthur Museum & Country Estate
Route 52, Kennett Pike, Winterthur, Delaware 19735.
www.winterthur.org. Image Gallery 2

SCRAPBOOKS (American, English & French, c.1880-1900) A
Victorian household was rarely without some handicraft involving "scraps." Scraps were colorful paper images, usually die
cut, often embossed and able to be cut apart. Victorian children and adults pasted scraps on everyday objects including folding
screens, chairs, trunks and boxes. Holiday cookies, stockings, tree ornaments and greeting cards were also embellished with
scraps, but their most recognized use was on pages of scrapbooks. By assembling scraps in albums, families joined an international
craze to collect, preserve and display objects of desire.

LUGGAGE LABELS (International, c.1915-1935) Luggage
labels were personal souvenirs from the golden age of travel. These miniature works of art from world-renowned hotels were
pasted on trunks of globe-trotting voyagers as they cruised to far-flung corners of the world aboard trains, steamships and
ocean liners. Some of the finest resort and tourist destinations on the globe are represented by more than two hundred luggage
labels in John's collection.

POSTCARDS (American, English & German, c.1910-1920) In
the early 1900s, picture postcards became a popular substitute for greeting cards. They were beautifully printed, often embossed
and available in an endless variety of colorful images. Postcards were also brief, easy to complete and inexpensive to mail.
For a mere penny, they crisscrossed the globe delivering short messages of holiday greetings, birthday wishes and everyday
thoughts. In cities and towns, postcards could be mailed in the morning and delivered that afternoon.

CHILDREN'S BOOKS (English & American, c.1885-1915) A
world of fantasy, adventure, discovery, entertainment and learning unfolded between the covers of children's illustrated books
from the Victorian Era. Artists and publishers combined popular subjects like nursery rhymes, fairy tales, holiday traditions,
morals and manners, and ABCs with clever paper mechanics including pop-up illustrations, moveable pictures and shaped pages,
to produce educational books that captured the attention and imagination of eager young readers.

CHILDREN'S TOYS (English & American, c.1885-1910)
Well-behaved Victorian boys and girls looked forward to receiving special presents on holidays and birthdays. Some
of their favorite toys were blocks, games and puzzles featuring popular themes and current events. Santa Claus was a
jolly favorite season after season and baseball was a big hit right off the bat. Nursery rhymes and fairy tales brought
good sales once upon a time, and trains steamed ahead in popularity.
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